Friday, October 15, 2010

"Grab my glasses, I'm out the door, I'm gonna hit this city" -Ke$ha

This past weekend was busy but so much fun...Starting Thursday
(Not the best picture of me...I realize that, but it's the only one we took and it just happened to be at a horrible angle.) Thursday night Dallin and I went to the Jazz game with his brother and sister in-law, Trevor and Kelsey. It was a lot of fun, especially listening to the lady behind us. She couldn't decide which team she wanted to cheer for! Jazz got the W!
Friday we ended up at Lagoon for Frieghtmares. We went through 2 of the haunted houses, watched 2 of the shows, went to the hypnotist, and rode a total of 2 rides! oh and Dallin played big buck hunter and I played deal or no deal and won a whopping 2 tickets! so embarrassing! One of the haunted houses was scary minus the fact we had 3 "gangsters" in front of us acting like they were 4! The shows were good! I like the chainsaw dancers! Dallin went deaf from the music however! and we rode Wicked!! I love love love that ride! and the best part was there were no lines! We then rode tilt a whirl or whatever its called...bad idea! It made me so sick!! And last of all Saturday night!!! It was SO SO fun! first it was Cassandra's birthday so we surprised her and went to dinner at Tepenyaki's. It was Andrew, Cassi, Seth, Ryan, Mueller, me, and Dallin! After dinner Mueller, Meghann, me, and Dallin headed up to Weber to watch Thriller! The dancing was really good and it was surprisingly funny for the most part! It just lasted way to long! I believe Dallin had fallen asleep by the end haha I don't blame him cause it lasted 3 hours! But that was our crazy fun weekend!....ending Saturday

Friday, October 1, 2010

Feelin Lucky!

I am probably the luckiest person I know when it comes to family! My niece and nephew just got their pictures done and I can't believe how stinkin cute they both are! I love them so much it's kinda sad actually haha Last week my sister went on a cruise with her hubby and I got to spend a whole week with my niece! it was so much fun (except for the fact she loves her grandma and won't leave her side) but I loved coming home because she would always act excited to see me even if it only lasted five seconds haha and my favorite thing to do and the thing I look forward to all week is being able to skype with my nephew! He sure knows how to make me laugh! I just can't get enough of these two!

Million dollar smile
Go Blue!
Love you Quinn
My little princess Macie
Love her!
Love her boots!

And on September 17, 2010 My grandma and grandpa, max and shirl, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary! We had a little party for them at the rock chapel! I love these two so so much! They are the cutest, kindest, most loveable, grandparents anyone could ask for! Congrats grandma and grandpa!Max and Shirl
I Drug Dallin to the party with me :)
...I told you I was lucky :)