Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sammy Baby

Sam and Me :)
It's official Sam Bant is now Elder Bant! Me and Kayla were able to make the trip down South to Sam's farewell and he did SO good. He is probably one of the funniest people I have ever met and I know he will be a great missionary! and the people in London will love him. I am so grateful for those who choose to serve missions and spread "the church with the happy ending" as Jeffery R. Holland calls it! I'm proud of you Sammy boy :)
Kay Sam Meg :)
Me and Kay
In other great news me and Kay Kay also went and ate at In N' Out in Draper that weekend. I hadn't eaten at either of the In N' Outs in Northern Utah (I have hit up the one in St. George!) and it was delicious let me assure you! we then made a trip up to the new Draper temple! it was BEAUTIFUL. I love temples and to see this one all lit up on the hill was so pretty! And on the way home we were just noticing how many we have in such a short distance. made me feel so grateful to live in Utah. And I can't wait for the new Ogden temple :) its going to be gorgeous!

Me and Kay enjoying some In N' Out. Yum! I am not a very good photographer so sorry its sideways but even sideways its so pretty!

The Draper Temple

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I am VERY aware, thank you...

Let me first start off by saying I am very aware what Valentines day is all about...LOVE, couples, togetherness, romance, yata yata yata! If that's not bad enough now they have to give it a new name...S.A.D (Singles Awareness Day). I get it thanks, i am single, not in LOVE, not a couple, no together, and no romance! I became even more aware of this last night when me and my friend went and saw the movie Valentines Day..GREAT movie HORRIBLE idea. i went into this not even thinking that the movie was all about couples, i was thinking it was a chick flick so there would be lots of girls there with their friends, WRONG! we were the only ones there WITHOUT dates haha everywhere we looked there were couples...i can a sure you that will be the last time me and my friends go to a movie anywhere close to Valentines day! and lately now that i am getting to be the good old age of Utah marriage i have been getting asked why i am not married...have you guys ever thought that we don't even know and would LOVE the answer to that you think its by choice all the time? haha I found a list of ways to answer that question.
Why aren't you married yet?
1. You haven't asked yet.
2. Because i just LOVE hearing this question.
3. Just lucky, i guess
4. My Fiance is awaiting Parole
5. I'm still hoping for a shot at Ms. America
6. Do you know how hard it is to get two tickets to anything?
7. I'm waiting until i get to be your age
8. I already have enough laundry to do, thank you
9. Because i think it would take the fun out of dating
10. I just found a great singles ward.
11. I wouldn't want my parents to drop dead from sheer happiness.

You can also answer back to them with a this
1. Why aren't you thin?

P.S. Watch the video i posted below! when i watched it i LOVED it! just click on the link! its so FUNNY!

Singles Awareness Day; a Public Service Announcement from ftscreations - Video

Singles Awareness Day; a Public Service Announcement from ftscreations - Video

Sunday, February 7, 2010


The last few weekends has been a lot of movie's. which is weird because I hadn't been to a movie for a long time then all these movies i wanted to see came out all at once! I will start with When in Rome! And let me just start out by saying Fergie is one lucky lady! Her husband Josh Duhamel is SO attractive! I loved the movie! it was so funny and I would suggest is to Anybody! My next favorite also had a very hot man! Channing Tatum! He isn't the best actor but its ok because he is so good to look at I didn't really pay any attention to his acting skills! but Dear John was really cute..although i don't think I would see it twice in theaters. and I HATED the ending...but that was ok because the rest of the movie was really good. and I did not read the book but one of the people i went with had and said the ending in the movie was way different then the ending in the book. and last and definitely least was lovely bones! I was so excited to see this movie and was let down :( I liked the parts that showed her family and her dad trying to figure out who killed her but the parts of her in the in between world or whatever was horrible. it ruined the good parts! i just wished it would have been a little more realistic. and not so unicorn and rainbowish! it was lame. And those are my feelings on some of the box office's! and I can't wait until valentines day comes out! I also have my favorite TV shows! Monday Nights is the Bachelor...I do not like Vienna..surprise. no one does. I love Tenley and sometimes i like Ali! but i am not a fan of the bachelor himself haha! Tuesday nights is The biggest looser..I LOVE the gray team, Hate the red team. that's all I have to say. Wednesday nights are Friday night lights! I watched it every Wednesday night with one of my best friends Ashlyn and our baby cole haha it is a really good show and addicting! me and Ash have our Boyfriends in the show and so that is our highlight of the week haha. I love Vince and she loves Tim Riggins! and that is the low down on my movie/TV watching. but i promise that is not all i do haha me and my mom are also in a Cricket class which i will blog about later when I know more about what im talking about with the cricket! Oh and one more thing...just because i think those other men are attractive doesn't' mean they win over Caleb Followill or Gerard Buttler :) they still win my heart haha

Go Girl it's Your Birthday...

A few weekends ago Lacie, Angie, and I decided we needed a little break :) And luckily for us we were able to take a LITTLE break. We drove down to St. George on Friday, Drove to Las Vegas Saturday, and Then back home on Sunday! short but oh so sweet! it was a lot of fun and really seemed a lot longer then it was! Angie's dad just built them a summer house near St. George and it just got finished in November so we got to stay there! It was really nice and fun! When we got there on Friday we just kinda chilled and didn't do much. we played basketball and baseball and Lacie worked on her track and field skills and jumped over garbage cans! We woke up Saturday morning and picked meghann up and headed down to Las Vegas to do some shopping! We started at Caesars Palace...and then the worst part of the trip happened...we got LOST! we ended up going out the wrong door..thanks to Lacie..and ended up in the totally wrong direction and off the strip. In an attempt to keep all of us happy because of her mistake Lacie started singing an dancing down the creepy ally way in Vegas. it was hard to be mad because i had never seen Lacie like that before and it was so funny! She decided to teach us a new song called "Go Girl its Your Birthday." we ended up singing that for the whole hour we were lost! i will never forgot that song the rest of my life! it was horrible! we all got huge blisters! but we eventually found our way back to the strip and continued shopping! we drove back to St. George Saturday night and just watched a movie and chilled! we woke up Sunday and layed around for a little bit then drove back up North! it was really short but SO much fun! i love getting away with my friends!