Saturday, February 13, 2010

I am VERY aware, thank you...

Let me first start off by saying I am very aware what Valentines day is all about...LOVE, couples, togetherness, romance, yata yata yata! If that's not bad enough now they have to give it a new name...S.A.D (Singles Awareness Day). I get it thanks, i am single, not in LOVE, not a couple, no together, and no romance! I became even more aware of this last night when me and my friend went and saw the movie Valentines Day..GREAT movie HORRIBLE idea. i went into this not even thinking that the movie was all about couples, i was thinking it was a chick flick so there would be lots of girls there with their friends, WRONG! we were the only ones there WITHOUT dates haha everywhere we looked there were couples...i can a sure you that will be the last time me and my friends go to a movie anywhere close to Valentines day! and lately now that i am getting to be the good old age of Utah marriage i have been getting asked why i am not married...have you guys ever thought that we don't even know and would LOVE the answer to that you think its by choice all the time? haha I found a list of ways to answer that question.
Why aren't you married yet?
1. You haven't asked yet.
2. Because i just LOVE hearing this question.
3. Just lucky, i guess
4. My Fiance is awaiting Parole
5. I'm still hoping for a shot at Ms. America
6. Do you know how hard it is to get two tickets to anything?
7. I'm waiting until i get to be your age
8. I already have enough laundry to do, thank you
9. Because i think it would take the fun out of dating
10. I just found a great singles ward.
11. I wouldn't want my parents to drop dead from sheer happiness.

You can also answer back to them with a this
1. Why aren't you thin?

P.S. Watch the video i posted below! when i watched it i LOVED it! just click on the link! its so FUNNY!


  1. ha ha I loved your answers for why aren't you married yet! that was my favorite :)

  2. hahaha oh megg you are too funny i love you and i love this post!!
