Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Weekend Warriors

This weekend was A LOT A LOT of fun! me and a few friends took a trip to Bear Lake and just chilled! We played cards, watched movies, tried the lottery, dance partied, played music and sang, and never really slept! Thanks guys for such an awesome weekend! I love you all and will miss you for a month :( Can't wait for my trip though!! it's going to be a good learning experience touring the holy lands!

I lost Three times at Phase 10...I will never play again

Caitlin and Lacie at the pizza place Jamie and Jordan at Dinner!

The Boys!

Not everyone is in this pic but I'll just name everyone that went up with us...Me Muller, Caitlin, Mike, Stan, Tanner, Jamie, Jordan, Karl, Ashlyn, Cole, Whitney, Jessica, Hyde, and Lacie!

Caitlin getting prept for her solo

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Who Knew?

Who knew Mueller would ever turn the ripe old age of 21? Who knew I would ever attempt to do waterfall hike again? Who knew someone would ever trust me to dye their hair? Needless to say it's been a crazy week!We had a BBQ for Muellers birthday and it was a lot of fun! We all just talked and caught up with each other, played some volleyball, made s'mores, and some even went swimming fully clothed...Me and Kayla went on waterfall hike. It was fun. Then we colored her hair..she is insane for trusting me...FYI never ask me to do yours...turns out I'm not so good at it :) but it is free.99Me, Ashlyn, our son, Kayla, and Sally all went to sushi! I love sushi! and I can't believe how big my baby Cole is getting! I love him! He is so sweet! (I'll add the cutest picture of him at the bottom..he was trying to drink a Fuze! and he is so big..he's only 4 months old!!)
Oh and me and my good ol' friend Jenilyn also went to lunch but we suck at pictures so you'll just have to trust me on this one! it was really good to catch up with her! She just might be one of my best friends...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Trudee's Tribe

Earlier this month my brother-in-laws mom, Trudee, was diagnosed with breast cancer. Our families are very close and we were all so sad to hear this news. Trudee is always so positive and so nice. She started kimo on Thursday and on Saturday we ran in the "Comen for the Cure" 5K for her. She is such and trooper and she even showed up for the run, and waited patiently for us at the finish line! (believe me she had to have patients because I almost died running this thing haha) I know that Trudee will battle this and come out strong! She is so amazing!!
(P.S. All of these pictures were taken after the run so we don't look our hottest. Don't judge.)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Who needs weekends?

This week has been like a weekend all week. I went hiking with my cousin Lacie to an awesome waterfall! We did this hike last year and I love it! Even though half way through the hike every time I ask myself why did I do this then I get to the top and brain wash myself into thinking I could do it again because the waterfall is gorgeous and it is really big right now cause of the snow melting! Then Me and Kayla went shopping..we found some sweet sun glasses for like five dollars and they were leopard print so of course we had to buy them! then we decided to make our own shirts for the basketball game and we decided to make them rivals! I obviously didn't choose the winning team but whatever Kobe is a cheater..but its ok cause he bought her a ring! oh and I am not team Edward or team Jacob...I'm Team Kyle! Then we celebrated Dallen Dones 23rd Birthday! happy birthday dallen! oh and then I watched the best week of American Idol EVER because Lady GAGA was on there! I love lady GAGA! she is a little psycho I'll admit but some of the things she does I'm like who would ever think of that..oh yeah lady GAGA! she is so funny! and since I like to keep this a family friendly blog I tried to pick a semi PG picture of her! and last but not least we had our first co-ed softball game...our team this year is called Swagger Allstars and we won by the run rule (which means we were up by so much they just ended the game before the time was up) the score was 36 to 5...lets hope we can keep this up!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Where All Your Dreams Come True

This year for our family vacation my family decided to go to California! It was alot of fun and a much needed vaca for all of us. Especially for Marissa, Jeff, Chris, and I because we had all just finished school the week earlier! We spent two days at Disneyland, one day at California Adventures, and one day at the beach! It was fun to have the whole family together and to catch up with Jeff, Ali, and Q! Disneyland was great as always and the babies had so much fun! I love seeing them together! Q calls Macie baby and its so funny! We got to meet alot of the characters at both Disneyland and California Adventures. Macie and Quinn weren't so sure about the characters but Macie loved the princess's. Especially The little mermaid! We also spent a day at the beach which was fun even though we happened to pick the coldest day of the trip to go. We rented two big bikes...like cars...and peddled ourselves around the beach haha it was so so funny! We looked ridiculous I'm sure but it was well worth it! Our car was a little slower then the other but we still put up a good fight! This trip was a lot of fun and I'm grateful for the time I got to spend with my family. I love them all so much! Thanks mom and dad for this great vaca.

Oh P.S. I forgot to mention two things... 1. We did fly there but we had to rent a 12 passenger van to transport us throughout the week and it was hilarious! we all were smashed in tight and only got lost once trying to find the red robin that didn't even exist...we were the true definition of the BMW..Big Mormon Wagon. 2. I think we all ate more this week then we have in our whole lives...but all the cotton candy, chocolate covered bananas, churros, and other treats are just part of the Disneyland adventure right?