Sunday, May 2, 2010

Where All Your Dreams Come True

This year for our family vacation my family decided to go to California! It was alot of fun and a much needed vaca for all of us. Especially for Marissa, Jeff, Chris, and I because we had all just finished school the week earlier! We spent two days at Disneyland, one day at California Adventures, and one day at the beach! It was fun to have the whole family together and to catch up with Jeff, Ali, and Q! Disneyland was great as always and the babies had so much fun! I love seeing them together! Q calls Macie baby and its so funny! We got to meet alot of the characters at both Disneyland and California Adventures. Macie and Quinn weren't so sure about the characters but Macie loved the princess's. Especially The little mermaid! We also spent a day at the beach which was fun even though we happened to pick the coldest day of the trip to go. We rented two big cars...and peddled ourselves around the beach haha it was so so funny! We looked ridiculous I'm sure but it was well worth it! Our car was a little slower then the other but we still put up a good fight! This trip was a lot of fun and I'm grateful for the time I got to spend with my family. I love them all so much! Thanks mom and dad for this great vaca.

Oh P.S. I forgot to mention two things... 1. We did fly there but we had to rent a 12 passenger van to transport us throughout the week and it was hilarious! we all were smashed in tight and only got lost once trying to find the red robin that didn't even exist...we were the true definition of the BMW..Big Mormon Wagon. 2. I think we all ate more this week then we have in our whole lives...but all the cotton candy, chocolate covered bananas, churros, and other treats are just part of the Disneyland adventure right?


  1. It was a blast!! You forgot to mention how you watched Q a ton...Thanks so much!! I love all the accessories on the pictures. Will you remind me where you fix them at?

  2. *MEGAN!!!!
    Can I just TEll YOU how HOT you LOOK!!! I am surprised YOU where NOT kidnapped by one of the workers!! and held for ransom! YOU are sizzlen!! spicey little number! xoxox!!**
