Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Time

I love this time of year! The weather is perfect and the colors outside are gorgeous, and it's perfect hoodie and jeans temp. and those are my favorite things to wear! i could live in hoodie and jeans all year round and be happy! But with Halloween coming soon me and a couple of friends decided we better get into a little Halloween spirit and carve some pumpkins! it was alot of fun and got pretty intense..clayton brought out the power tools! we took before and after pictures! I decided to try a double sided pumpkin and i did a spider on one side and Mickey mouse on the other..and just remember i never claimed to be an artist or good and carving pumpkins :)

The Power Tools!The Befores..
And the Afters!
The spider!
Mickey Mouse!


  1. Ok, I just tried to post a comment 3 times and my computer is slow, so sorry if there is now 4 ha ha, but your new blog is best

  2. ha ha your pumpkin is beautiful meg!
    looks like fun!
    miss you.

  3. Yeah! I finally made it to your CUTE blog! Good job on the pumpkins! Oh, and now I'm going to have to check daily so I can see how much longer we have to wait to see you! We miss you, but Q does the most!!
